May 1, 2002: Ah, spring is here, the birds are singing, my weight is going is good. :-) My scale said (it talks now, don't you know?) that I weighed 204 this morning. Hmmm, a few more pounds and I will be in Heaven. Is there such a thing as "Weight Watcher Heaven"? If there is, I'll be there when I see 199 on my scale. My hubby has hit 47 pounds lost! Good grief! He's so hot! lol Just kind of hanging out today...haven't been able to go to the gymn because I fell down my stairs (duh) and hurt my back. I'm not usually a wimp but I figured that walking on a treadmill bent over like Quasimodo wasn't a good thing. I can't seem to shake it. Did you see the photos of Mark and I? Ugh! I hate having my picture taken...maybe it will get better after another 20 pounds.
May 5, 2002: I'm stuck on 204!!! Yikes!! I have been a bad, bad girl this week. Well, not really but I have stayed to the high end of my points and I haven't been to the gym since last Sunday. I fell on my stairs and hurt my back so I figured if I laid on the couch all week, it might go away...well, it didn't and I'm stuck! lol Tomorrow, I'm going to grit my teeth and bear it and go to the gym...not looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow.
May 6, 2002: Another 2.2 pounds down!! I weighed in at 204.6 but the most wonderful part was when I stepped on the scale this morning without a stitch of clothing on and it said 202.5!!!!!!!!! I broke that stupid 204 barrier!! I know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday but I can't help myself. To the doctor on Wednesday to see about my back...I have to get back to the gym.
May 8, 2002: Well, no gym for me for at least a week...and no work. My back is just killing me still and I went to the doctor yesterday. Apparently, there are a bunch of muscles in there and hard to tell without an x-ray which one I hurt. She gave me Celebrex, Flexeril and I'm picking up some Darvocet today. Can you say "loopy"? Good grief, even picking dishes up out of my dishwasher hurts!! If the pain hasn't subsided by Friday, I have to call her back and maybe get an x-ray. I have so much stuff to do and I can't even vacumm without pain. (Not that I like to vacumm mind you). Just have to watch what I eat this week because with no exercise, it's going to be hard.
May 12, 2002: Happy Mother's Day everyone!! I'm so happy...going out to lunch today...I don't know where but I don't want to waste it! It will only be my second time since March 1 going out to eat. I intend to enjoy it!! My back is still nagging doctor set me up for an x-ray on Tuesday. It is just a pain in the behind to have this. Diet is going scale said 201.5 this morning...:-) Weigh in tomorrow.
May 13, 2002: Weigh in today! I've lost another 2.2 pounds bringing my grand total to 35 pounds!! I weighed in at 202.4...only a couple of pounds until I reach that 200 pound goal. Then I can concentrate on getting to 158 and then to 155. Then, I can maintain!! :-) Sounds like fun, doesn't it? My hubby is at 255...he is down from 310...he is doing incredibly well! X-ray on my back tomorrow...hoping that I'll be able to go back to work on Friday and maybe be able to hit the gym.
May 15, 2002: Hallelujiah!!!!!!!!! Yesterday, I weighed in at 199 on my scale!! I jumped up and down...did a little dance....shook my booty so hard I'll never be the same!! Whew!! I truly never thought I would see the day. And the best part? Was this morning when I woke up and I weighed 198.5!!!! Sunny days are here again!!
May 20, 2002: First of all, the good news...I lost another 3.6 pounds bringing my grand total to 38.6! Also, I weighed in at 198.8...under 200 feels so good. Bad news, that pesky little back problem I had? I have a compressed fracture...not good. I am out of work for at least the next couple of weeks and I have to go back in for another x-ray on Thursday. I guess we will see what happens. Needless to say, no gym for awhile still.
May 27, 2002: Whew! Okay, I have had no time to sit at this computer! lol My diet is going extremely weigh in today because of the holiday but my scale says 194. Mark is down to 245!! He is doing so well. We have been busy, busy. Remember back in March when I said we were going to reward ourselves with a hot tub? It is being delivered on Thursday!! So we have been painting our deck and getting everything ready. Actually, Mark has been doing everything since I can't do stuff with my back. I have another appointment tomorrow with a new doctor. Hopeffuly, they will tell me what's going on. No work for at least a month now...I will post pictures of our new hot tub...this is something we have wanted for awhile. Oh!! I went clothes shopping on Friday...all of my shirts were an x-large and I bought a pair of capris that were a size 16! And my new bathing suit? A size 14!!!!! It is unbelivable! I had so much fun...I went to Fashion Bug and shopped on the OTHER side! Then, when Mark got home, we took the kids and went to Filene's and he bought himself all shirts that were and x-large too...mind you, a 3x was snug on him three months ago. His jeans are now a 38 waist instead of a tight 42. He was thrilled. For all of you out there dieting, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you can do it if you put your mind to it!!
May 28, 2002:Seriously considering a lawsuit! *smile* I went to my new doctor today and found out (surprise!) that my old doctor misdiagnosed my back as having a compression fracture. Apparently, I had one in 2000 when I had my lung problem. I don't remember hurting my back then but apparently, it was there. I never had a fracture, it was called a "wedging of T11" and my old doctor took that as a sign of a fracture. On to my existing problem, I have strained severely my thorasic muscle, which in turn is causing my spine to curve. That is why I can't stand or sit up straight, because it is so tight. Also, my x-ray showed that I have mild scoliosis and degenerative disc disease. What all of that means, I'm not sure. My back has hurt since my son was born and apparently, I had something as a youngster (called Scheuremanns Disease) that went undiagnosed and it has come back to haunt me. I have calcium built up in and around the bottom of my spine. To make a long story short, (I have a strained muscle with a bad back! :-) I'm a little concerned about osteoporosis since my grandmother on my mothers side had it but that is for another appointment. Right now, they have put me on Flexeril( a muscle relaxant) and Viotox, an anti-inflammatory. I also have to begin physical therapy on Tuesday to "manipulate" my back. I am out of work for another two weeks at least and then the physical therapist will decide if I can go back fully or with restrictions. The repetitive motion involved in my job is not good for my back. But, she said I should be as good as new by the end of July so I will be able to go to Cape Cod and actually (gasp!) walk around without pain. Good news, our new hot tub our reward for losing weight) is being delivered on Thursday and my doctor said that the heat will be excellent for my back. It is a pretty nifty thing for your doctor to tell you to stay in the hot tub as much as possible!! ha, ha. Has anyone else had this problem?? I am stressing about it and needless to say, I'm sick of this pain.
It seems that I am scale has been horrible to me all week. I didn't have a meeting this week because of Memorial Day and I am struggling to keep my weight down. I'm not eating anything different...could it be the medication for my back? Not sure...
Photos-NEW!! Added 8/19/02
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