Mark, just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you and to make this page to celebrate. 100 pounds is a huge accomplishment!! You were beautiful before, inside and out, but you are even more special now. To me, you are the earth and the moon, my life, my heart.
Here are a few reminders of how far you have come...
Remember this photo at Christine's wedding at 310 pounds? I was at 240...that fudge was good though!!
Here you are at looked thin then!
This was on vacation when you were weighing 214.
I know you still have about fifteen more pounds to go, but I couldn't let this pass by without celebrating. I have added a gustbook below for you to read...some of my online friends have signed to congratulate you. Just click on it and it will open.
I am so proud of you...when I reach my goal, I'll expect jewelry! :-) Love you babe, and congrats!
Page made August 19, 2002 by Joyce Hopkins